Shipping & Returns

Shipping.  Orders placed before 11:00am MST on a weekday will ship out that same day by the selected method. Orders placed after 11:00am MST will ship out the next business day.

Liquid Planet Shipping Charges:  Sadly, we can no longer offer free shipping.  We do not have large margins and as a smaller business we simply cannot afford to compete with the Amazons of the world. Going forward, we are charging all customers the exact estimated cost of shipping at checkout.  We apologize for this change in policy and appreciate your understanding & support.  To demonstrate our commitment to fair and transparent shipping rates, customers are also welcome to contact us at if they wish to provide their own shipping label or UPS account details when placing their order.

At Liquid Planet, we seek to provide extraordinary customer service by creating relationships established on trust and loyalty with our customers. If for some reason you are dissatisfied with your purchase, whether it be with the product, with our customer service, or for any other reason, we offer a 30-Day satisfaction guarantee.

Returns and Refunds.  You may return most items within 30 days for a full refund if the item arrives damaged.  We do not accept returns on opened products.  Returns received after 30 days from purchase will not be processed. Please e-mail us for authorization if you wish to return an item within the 30 day window. Send the item you wish to return via an insured and trackable carrier to:
Liquid Planet Online
221 N. Higgins
Missoula, MT 59802

  • You must include a copy of the receipt.
  • You must include a note of explanation for the return.
  • Returns are processed within 14 days of the receipt of the returned merchandise.
  • With the exception of damaged product you are responsible for shipping costs back - we DO NOT charge a re-stocking fee.
  • Shipping costs on exchanges will be dealt with on a case by case basis.  Please email with your product issue.
  • You are responsible for items damaged or lost during shipping back to us. Please make sure to use an insured and trackable carrier.

Defective or Damaged Products.  Inspect your product upon delivery. Defective items will be replaced at the manufacturer's or Liquid Planet's expense. E-mail with a description of the problem or damage.

Perishable Items. All sales on perishable items are non-refundable and non-returnable. Exceptions in certain situations may be made on an individual basis.

Changes and Special Considerations. Manufacturers reserve the right to change their products without notification so our images may not be identical.

  • Liquid Planet Online will make every effort to reflect changes immediately but will not be held responsible for minor changes to product image.
  • Non-operative changes to machines are not considered misrepresentation.
  • Prices are subject to change without notice. Special sales and offers exclude previously purchased merchandise.